Naegele Law Firm


TLB Rating & Accreditation


623 W Saint Clair Ave
Cleveland, OH 44113-1204

(216) 515-1122

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Naegele Law Firm — Reviews, Complaints and Ratings

Trust Lobby® filed the complaint
November 3, 2023

Attorney Sherry Naegele has been practicing law in the state of Ohio since 2000. Her practice encompasses all areas of family law, and her experience and compassion can help you through life’s most difficult situations. Sherry was raised on a farm in Huron County, Ohio by two wonderful parents, who instilled in Sherry morals, work ethics and due diligence, which has been an asset in her practice of law. Sherry has a younger brother, sister-in-law and two nephews. She has a beautiful teenage daughter who never ceases to amaze Sherry with her accomplishments. Her daughter is an honor student, a cheerleader and dances competitively. Sherry was born with a club foot, which required multiple surgeries during her youth. At the age of nine, she was involved in a medical malpractice case when her podiatrist incorrectly applied a cast on her leg, which caused an infection. During the pendency of the lawsuit and observing the legal process, Sherry came to the realization that she wished to pursue a career in law in order to help others the way she was cared for by her attorney. The judge and attorneys involved in her case attempted to persuade her to pursue another career path, but she was persistent and diligently worked towards her goal to become an attorney to assist others in need.

Incident date: November 3, 2023


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